Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Step Out of Fire

This is a personal blog but within certain boundaries. This blog is a primary tool for five things and thus there are five "series" or post types that will pervade the whimsical carapaces of this cognitive landscape.

  1. A Faun's Touch- I need to practice explicating and communicating my hermeneutical process. The holistic, biologically-inclined, and rather post-post-post modern slant to scripture that encumbers most of my theology needs to be more fleshed out. I do not have the experience of properly communicating what I get out of scripture and so this blog will serve as a practice for demonstrating the reasoning for why I see the things I do and also to allow me to hopefully engage in more thoughtful, primary sourced discussion with those who wish to know. I also have slacked in my languages and I need a motivation for practicing them and perhaps sharing them with others will help. 
  2.  The Finer Complexities- a small tittle of a philosophizer's meanderings that attempt to try to open the eyes of Christians and others (but mostly Christians) to the good and bad of something they over glorify or fail to appreciate. Trying to help and train others to have an honest perspective of something and seeing the value of certain options. I pray that it might round others out so they can actually be somewhat informed and learn to see things as God does. To find the good or usefulness in that which is rejected and to see the faults of the centerpieces of the highest pedestals. 
  3. Orthodox Heresies- there are many just truly incorrect views, ideas, dogmas, and semantics that seep their way to many people's spirituality. Many have answers with no understanding. These posts address attitudes as well as ideas and tries to display their harmfulness. Most of these are not "salvation issues" but they do affect your love of God, the genuineness of your testimony, your intimacy through the Spirit of Christ, and the influence you have on other believers. Issues that are not "important" in the sense they do not decide a "Christian" but extremely more important because they harm "Christians", the testimony of Christ by which others are saved. Even more so, growth and health of the body is the Father's utmost concern on Earth (i.e. think of the reason why most of the New Testament was written). Therefore, I may attempt to address an "orthodox heresy" once in a while. 
  4.  Speculative Meanderings- A thought journal, nothing more. 
  5. Truly Confessing- Recently, I have violated every principle that the Spirit gave me to live by (both specific to me and my situation and also general virtue). The sheer loss of integrity and love in my life ,as in the least of description, tragic. These posts will be experiences and me sorting them out. They are personal and specific for the purpose of being accountable. I want to be honest and forthcoming and as the Lord decides to shape me back to faithfulness and as I strive to both formulate and etch out an existence, I need to be able to develop the communication skills to share it with those around me and so I hope to relate some very personal (not necessarily dark or secretive) things (quite a bit are quirky) that may help me develop the basic expressive skills needed to form more genuine relationships (important for someone who feels called to help convey what Christian really looks and what fellowship really looks like).   I want to be somewhat open to allow myself the freedom of boldly proclaiming God's work when He accomplishes these things in my life so I can safely go into serving the unfolding Images of the Bearer of my sin in more active, outright ways. 

"When one is in a fire there is little concern as to which way but out." 